Rich Batchelor-REALTOR®
Broker Associate, ABR, CNHS, e-PRO, GRI
Property Brokers of Minnesota
Office: 507-424-6007        Cell: 507-398-3944
Property Brokers of Minnesota
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I'm Rich Batchelor, and I've Sold Rochester, earning a reputation for helping home sellers. Over the last 20 years, I've also helped many people to invest in their dream home. If you contact me, I can help you.

Buying or selling a home can be complex. I'd like to be your resource, helping you through the process and answering your questions.

Browsing through thousands of properties and listings may appear to be quite a challenge. I can help you find something that is right for you or, when you see something that interests you, please let me know. I can arrange a showing or answer questions on virtually every property you see in southeast Minnesota.

I'm here to help you, whether to offer expert advice and market information on listing and selling your house, or assisting you as you find and purchase the home of your dreams. To get in touch with me, simply click on 'Contact Me' or give me a call. It will be my pleasure to serve you.

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